Right now, it is so important to focus on the positives. We’ve compiled a list of positive news stories that have happened during this pandemic in the hopes that they make you smile.

Most People with COVID-19 Recover
While the number of infected people can be a daunting number to look at, the good news is that almost everyone that contracts the virus recovers. Of the cases that have been reported, over 98% have survived. This is drastically higher than MERS (66%), SARS (89%), and Ebola (10%). Over 975,000 people have recovered fully as of 4/29.
New Cases are Falling Where the Outbreak Began
Tedros Adhanom, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), has stated that “China and the Republic of Korea have significantly declining epidemics.” Wuhan had been reporting no new local cases on-and-off since the middle of March. After 76 days in lockdown (as of 4/23), the city is slowly starting to reopen. They are staying cautious: citizens must still wear a mask and continue socially distancing. This progress is a ray of hope.
Charitable Actions in the USA and Louisville
Many people and organizations in America have been helping their communities. Several major health insurance companies will completely cover care and testing related to COVID-19. Athletes and team owners have promised to cover the pay of stadium workers, including Mark Cuban, Zion Williamson, and Kevin Love.
Jack Dorsey has donated $1 billion of his holdings, or a third of his net worth, to COVID-19 relief, making this the biggest donation to date. Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has donated more than $250 million. Gates has also said that his foundation will invest billions to develop a COVID-19 vaccine.
Prudential Heating and Air Conditioning, a local HVAC company, has donated ultraviolet lights to help sanitize PPE for healthcare workers. An anonymous customer gave a $1,000 tip to a server at Oriental Wok. Louisville Slugger manufacturer Hillerich & Bradsby has begun making reusable face masks called Maskonic. A UofL Speed School research scientist has created a robot that can clean and disinfect areas contaminated with COVID-19.
Tom Moore
A 99-year-old retired military captain wanted to raise money for the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). Tom Moore’s goal was to raise £1,000 by walking 100 sponsored laps around his garden to celebrate his 100th birthday. Before he knew it, he had raised over £28 million. To honor his efforts, he has been awarded the Pride of Britain Award.
The Environment is Healing
The quarantining during COVID-19 has triggered the biggest drop in the demand for fossil fuels to ever be recorded. The most polluted cities in the world have seen a drastic increase in air quality. Carbon emissions in China have dropped an estimated 18%; that’s the equivalent of 250 million metric tons of pollution.
At-Home Prom
While in-person proms and graduations have been cancelled or postponed, John Krasinski decided to throw a video-chat prom for the juniors and seniors of 2020. On April 17th, Krasinski invited students to dress in their formal wear and celebrate along with special guests Chance the Rapper, the Jonas Brothers, and Billie Eilish. Krasinski has also announced that he will be holding an at-home graduation for seniors sometime in the future.
Empty Animal Shelters
Animal shelters across the country are experiencing the highest increase in adoptions they’ve ever seen. Several major animal shelters, including Chicago Animal Care, Palm Beach County Animal Care, Riverside County Animal Shelter, and Taunton Animal Care Facility are empty for the first time ever. It’s been reported that animal fostering and adoptions are up 700 percent.
Second Round of Stimulus Packages
The House has signed a second stimulus plan, promising $484 billion in assistance. The bill restarted the small-business loan program and allocated money specifically for health-care producers and virus testing sites. Also, a bill called the Emergency Money For the People Act has been proposed. Should it pass, Americans could begin receiving $2,000 every month for the next six months. This new proposed bill also includes demographics that were excluded in the previous plan.